Best Selling Books of All Time

Best Selling Books of All Time

Best Selling Books of All Time

For those that love to read there are some great books out there. These books are classics and time tested. They have been translated into many different languages and there have been millions of copies sold. Here are some of the best selling books of all time.

Happy Potter and the Deathly Hallows

This book sold 50 million copies (likely well over!). Harry Potter and the Deadly Hollows, book 7 in the series, was released in 2007 and it was called the Best Book for Young Adults. Check out Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows on Amazon!

A book for young adults, teens and adults who’ve grown up on the mystery and wonder of the magical world, the Harry Potter series is not one to forget.

In fact, according to Syfy, all 7 books in the series are within the 50 million to 100 million range for copies sold!

The Catcher in the Rye

This classic book sold over 60 million copies. It was published in 1951 and is still a top seller with 1 million copies still sold each year. The novel was controversial at the time and still has people thinking about what is acceptable and what is not today. This book is classic and well worth the read.

Check out The Catcher in the Rye on Amazon!

Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

This installment in the Harry Potter series sold over 60 million copies.  This is another installment in the classic book series. A reader has to keep up with the series to follow the story. This book received many awards from critics. It is also the inspiration behind the Harry Potter films.

Check out Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets on Amazon!

The Alchemist

This book sold 65 million copies. It was originally written in Portuguese but has been translated into many languages. The book is an inspiration and follows a young Shepard as he goes on a quest to find treasure and his dreams.

Check out The Alchemist on Amazon!

And Then There Were None

This book has sold 100 million copies. The book was first published in the United Kingdom in 1939. When it was published the following year in the United States it was published under a different name.

This mystery novel by Agatha Christie has been holding the attention audiences for many years now.

Check out And Then There Were None on Amazon!

Dream of the Red Chamber

This is one of the four great classic novels in China. It has sold over 100 million copies all over the world. This book is a masterpiece that is literature and is highly valued in Chinese culture. This book was written in the 18th century but is still an inspiration for many other works today.

Check out The Story of the Stone, or Dream of the Red Chamber, on Amazon!

The Hobbit

This is a classic story before the Lord of the Rings. The hobbit is the first story that follows Bilbo Baggins on his adventure where he acquires the ring and begins this epic tale. The Hobbit has sold well over 100 million copies to date!

Check out The Hobbit on Amazon!

Xinhua Zidian

This book is a dictionary for the Chinese Language but it has sold 400 million copies. This book is one of the most comprehensive dictionaries, and practically one of the best selling books of all time.

While a person may not want to sit down and read it from cover to cover, it is interesting to look at. They can search out the Chinese symbols that they want to be translated and they can use this book as a reference.

Check out the latest editions of this Chinese dictionary, Xinhua Zidian, on Amazon!

The Little Prince

The Little Prince is a book that sold over 142 million copies. This book was published in English and French. This book tells of friendships, love, and other human emotions.

This book can be used as an inspiration to many to keep on trying and to not give up no matter the odds.

Check out The Little Prince on Amazon!

A Tale of Two Cities

This book has sold 200 million copies. It is a classic by Charles Dickens and is set during the French Revolution.  Many critics say this is one of the best works of historical fiction and it has helped inspire many other works.

Check out A Tale of Two Cities on Amazon!

Lord of the Rings
This book sold over 150 million copies. Before the movie came out the book took people to the fantasy world of elves, treasure, and the hobbits. It’s rare virality among youths sprung it to the forefront of the best selling books of all time.

Check out Lord of the Rings in One Volume on Amazon!

Don Quixote

This book sold an astonishing 500 million copies, contending to the best selling book of all time. It is the first model novel and many critics consider it to be the best book ever written. This alone is a good reason to pick up the book and see what this work of modern literature is all about.

Check out Don Quixote on Amazon!

These are some of the best selling books of all time. These books have sold millions of copies worldwide and have been translated into many different languages. These books are interesting reads and many of them are classics that are well-written and will keep the attention of the reader.

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Mahim Gupta
Mahim Gupta
I love journalism and writing, and I emphasize facts and direct implications for readers. I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science from Rutgers University and I've been writing about business, technology and science trends for many years. I also love writing about politics, world news or topics that require more perspective. Beyond industry news and news reviews, I review products, services and business profiles/brands. Head Writer | Editor at WeeklyReviewer

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