Weekly Reviewer Quarantine Time Episode 5: Joe Biden – The 46th President of the United States
Weekly Reviewer Quarantine Time Episode 5: Joe Biden – The 46th President of the United States
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Today we talk about our 46th President of United States: Joe Biden! His victory over Donald Trump brings hope to change and progress around the world.
Read the Full News Story on WeeklyReviewer: https://weeklyreviewer.com/joe-biden-46th-president-of-the-united-states/
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Quarantine Time Episode 5: Joe Biden – The 46th President of the United States
Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. and Kamala Harris are now the president-elect and vice president-elect of the United States of America respectively.
After his win, Joseph Biden said that it was a time of unity and healing, and he was going to lead the country to overcome many crises.
Biden has promised to help the country to deal with the ravaging economic effects caused by the Covid-19 health crisis. His success amounts to the rejection of Donald Trump by millions of voters in the US who were tired of this chaotic and divisive administration.
The Joe-Kamala alliance enjoyed success from people of different genders, colors, ages, and this brought a major blow to the Republicans. This election loss is also a huge egg on the face for Donald Trump since he is the first president of the US since World War II to lose re-election.
Regardless, it’s a history-making for Senator Kamala Harris, Biden’s running mate, who will be the first woman in the history of the US to become a vice president. Senator Kamala Harris has praised Biden for being a “healer, uniter, tested and steady hand” and also added that though she might be the first woman to become be in that office, she won’t be the last. Harris adds that she is a source of hope for every small girl watching her in the country.
Read the full article on Joe Biden’s Election Victory.
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