Unifor donates $70,000 to public sector strikers in Quebec

MONTREAL, Dec. 15, 2023 /CNW/ – Unifor announced a significant donation of $70,000 today in support of public sector workers engaged in strike action for better working conditions and quality public services in Quebec.

“At this crucial point in the negotiations, the government is counting on the strikers’ exhaustion. By calling for solidarity, we hope to inspire other unions to join us in supporting their colleagues in the public services. Together, we can demonstrate that the collective strength of workers is unshakeable,” said Unifor Quebec Director Daniel Cloutier.

Unifor’s $70,000 donation will be used to help public service workers maintain their struggle and meet the financial challenges associated with strikes and industrial action.

Unifor challenges all workers, unions and citizens to rally behind this initiative and help defend the rights of public sector workers.

“All Unifor members across the country are right to support our public service colleagues in Quebec. Unifor is proud to provide financial support to the strikers because our struggles are intertwined, and it is through solidarity that private and public sector workers can win, together,” says Lana Payne, Unifor National President.

About Unifor
Unifor is the largest private sector union in Canada, representing more than 315,000 members in all sectors of the economy. Unifor fights for all workers and their rights. It also fights for equality and social justice at home and abroad, and aspires to bring about progressive change for a better future. In Quebec, Unifor represents nearly 55,000 members and is affiliated with Quebec’s largest central labour body, the Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ).


Unifor donates $70,000 to public sector strikers in Quebec WeeklyReviewer

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