Teacher Negotiations – FSE-CSQ and APEQ-QPAT will submit new refocused sectoral demands

QUEBEC CITY, Oct. 27, 2023 /CNW/ – In order to advance the talks at their sectoral table and show their good faith in the ongoing negotiation process, the federal council of the Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE-CSQ) and the Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (APEQ-QPAT) voted in favour of submitting their updated sectoral demands, refocused on their core priorities. These include class composition, lightening the workload and improving work conditions.

“We based this exercise on what was presented to us, with the full intention of seeing the negotiations through. The President of the Treasury Board tells us that she has trimmed employer sectoral demands. The government has also set up a so-called priority table, where it has not reduced its numerous demands, including those pertaining to work organization. In addition, the government has retained items removed when submitted to the sectoral table by putting them in Bill 23, where we cannot even negotiate them. We have done our job, but the government still has a long way to go. The ball is clearly in their court, and that is how we are helping them,” said Josée Scalabrini, FSE-CSQ President, and Steven LeSueur, APEQ-QPAT President.

FSE-CSQ and APEQ-QPAT are members of the Front commun, which has an unlimited general strike mandate of 95%. Teachers represented by the FSE-CSQ and APEQ-QPAT will be on strike the morning of November 6.


The Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (FSE-CSQ) consists of 34 unions representing more than 87,000 teachers with school service centres and school boards across Quebec. Its members include teachers from all sectors: pre-school, primary, secondary, vocational and general adult education. It is affiliated with the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) and negotiates in collaboration with the Quebec Provincial Association of Teachers (APEQ-QPAT), which represents the 8,000 teachers in Quebec’s English-language school boards. Together, the FSE-CSQ and the APEQ-QPAT represent 95,000 teachers members of the Front commun.

SOURCE Fédération des syndicats de l’enseignement (CSQ)

Teacher Negotiations - FSE-CSQ and APEQ-QPAT will submit new refocused sectoral demands WeeklyReviewer

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