Unifor members ratify agreement with CN

MONTREAL, Dec. 22, 2024 /CNW/ – Members of Unifor Council 4000 and Local 100 have ratified a new collective agreement with CN, concluding a challenging round of bargaining.

“This agreement secures important gains that reflect the critical contributions of Unifor members to CN’s operations,” said Unifor National President Lana Payne. “We are proud to deliver improvements that address pension security, work ownership and working conditions, which were top priorities for members.”

The ratified agreement, which spans four years, includes meaningful improvements to wages, benefits, and job protections for more than 3,000 members working in CN terminals and headquarters across Canada, including rail car technicians, heavy-duty mechanics, excavator and top-lift operators, diesel engine mechanics, crane operators, machinists and electricians, as well as clerical and administration, customer support and fleet mechanics among others.

“The strength of the Unifor membership was evident throughout this process. Their solidarity, engagement and determination made this agreement possible. We thank every member who cast their vote and reaffirm our commitment to building better workplaces and securing opportunities for all Unifor members,” said Unifor Quebec Director Daniel Cloutier.

The ratification of this agreement lays the groundwork for continued efforts to strengthen workplace rights and protections across the industry.

Unifor is Canada’s largest union in the private sector, representing 320,000 workers in every major area of the economy. The union advocates for all working people and their rights, fights for equality and social justice in Canada and abroad, and strives to create progressive change for a better future.


Unifor members ratify agreement with CN WeeklyReviewer

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