Prevent Recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis
A recent study published in The New England Journal of Medicine outlines the treatment and use of Lactin-V to prevent recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis.
Bacterial Vaginosis is a vaginal infection caused by bacteria. Vaginal infections are usually caused by bacteria, fungus or a virus. Women have to be particularly careful with vaginal infections, especially Bacterial Vaginosis, because it can easily come back if not dealt with properly.
If you are a woman, you are probably familiar with vaginal yeast (or yeast) infections, a common form of vaginal infections. Yeast infections occur because of an overgrowth of fungi or yeast. Bacteria in the vagina, antifungal bacteria, help regulate yeast infections.
This bacteria, although beneficial in regulating fungi, can be harmful as well. An overgrowth in this natural bacteria can lead to a bacterial infection, commonly known as Bacterial Vaginosis.
You’ve probably heard of these terms before if you’re a woman because you have had or know other female friends and family who have. While you shouldn’t panic, it’s due diligence to see your doctor as soon as possible to get treatment. Left unchecked, it can lead to major complications.
A vaginal infection sometimes indicates the presence of a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Treating a vaginal infection promptly, regardless of its origin, is crucial to prevent it from worsening.
You have certainly heard the medical term “vaginal flora”. Imagine that a woman’s vagina is a garden where flowers and weeds constantly struggle to occupy the same space. In fact, the vagina is inhabited by many microorganisms, commonly known as “microbes”, some of which have a beneficial function (flowers) and others that do not (weeds). It is important that the balance of this coexistence is maintained to prevent “bad microbes” from taking over, causing infection.
There are many factors that can increase the risk of contracting a bacterial vaginal infection. Here are some examples:
- hormonal imbalance;
- Excessive cleaning of the genitals;
- The use of certain products (such as soaps, herbal medicines and );
- Have multiple sexual partners;
- Taking antibiotics;
- Using an intrauterine device (IUD);
A woman with bacterial vaginosis may not notice any particular signs or symptoms. The manifestations of bacterial vaginosis include:
- An unpleasant odor that evokes that of fish;
- aqueous losses;
- A whitish-gray discharge;
- Burning or painful sensation in the vagina, especially during intercourse;
Exacerbation of manifestations after sexual intercourse.
If you tend to get repeated bacterial infections, consider taking probiotics, as they help restore the balance of the vaginal flora. Since there are many probiotic formulations, ask your pharmacist to help you make the right choice, based on the quality of the product and the scientific evidence to support its effectiveness.
Use and Study of Lactin-V To Prevent Recurrence of Bacterial Vaginosis

Oral or vaginal probiotics?
Why should vaginal probiotics be preferred? The route of oral probiotics such as lactin-V in the body, from the mouth to the vagina, is long and is accompanied by a risk of massive loss of ingested lactobacilli. Although the vaginal route is more direct, therefore, more effective.
Vaginal probiotics are sold as eggs, capsules, capsules or tampons containing lactobacilli from healthy women who have been raised in culture. These lactobacilli strengthen the vaginal flora so that it can better play its role as anti-infectives.
Orally, lactin-V must be dosed at least one billion bacteria per strain and capsule and vaginally, 108 or 109 bacteria per strain.
Probiotics: when? How? Or what?
In the case of bacterial vaginosis, the authors advise asking the doctor to supplement a treatment (in particular antibiotic) after the third day with lactin-V for a week. And in case of recurrent vaginosis, one week of treatment should be considered just after menstruation for three to six months.
Certain antibiotics such as cyclins promote mycosis: by promoting the aggressiveness of the fungus Candida albicans, which is manifested among other things by the vaginal branch. Therefore, if you are forced to take antibiotic treatment, ask her to supplement her prescriptions with supplements of intestinal probiotics. These will strengthen the lactobacilli, weakened by their treatment.
If you are prone to urinary leakage, you should first practice perineal reeducation, but taking probiotics for at least 3 months, even 6 months, is often an interesting complementary approach.
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