ST. JOHN’S, NL, July 5, 2024 /CNW/ – Small businesses across Newfoundland and Labrador are calling on the Furey Government to stand up to Ottawa and support local businesses as the federal government crafts new rules around smoking cessation products.
The federal government is proposing a policy to remove nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) from convenience stores, limiting their availability to consultations with pharmacists at drug stores. This move is counterproductive to public health goals, inhibits access to smoking cessation products, drives consumers to black market channels, and threatens the autonomy of Newfoundland and Labrador. NRTs are strongly recommended by the World Health Organization as a tobacco alternative.1
“This move sets a dangerous precedent for further intervention in the affairs of Newfoundland and Labrador. Health product sales fall under provincial authority, and this legislation gives Ottawa unprecedented power to designate where these products can be sold,” said Mike Hammoud, Vice President Atlantic, Convenience Industry Council of Canada. “By heavily restricting access to regulated smoking cessation products, the federal government will support the sale of illegal and unregulated black-market products. Newfoundland already has the worst contraband tobacco problem in the country.”
By granting the federal Health Minister power to dictate the sale locations of NRTs and other products, the federal government is creating policy that unfairly benefits big box retailers at the expense of small businesses. These products are currently sold by convenience retailers who have significant experience selling age-restricted products. Making these products more difficult to access through legal channels will further drive a thriving black market for these products, making them more accessible to young people.
“The federal government’s proposed policy fails to address its intended target: youth access to NRTs. Young people are primarily purchasing these products online, meaning these reforms unfairly target legal and trusted retailers rather than addressing the actual source of the problem,” added Hammoud.
Newfoundland and Labrador convenience retailers are trusted members of their communities, known for selling age-gated products responsibly, including tobacco, beer and lottery tickets. This proposed policy blatantly disrespects local owners and employees.
The provincial government is already considering increasing the age of tobacco sales and limiting stores where tobacco products can be sold, which will negatively impact local businesses. Adding restrictions to smoking cessation products runs counter to the province’s goals.
The CICC supports additional regulations on NRTs, including marketing restrictions, but opposes place-of-sale infringements. These measures can effectively prevent youth access without unfairly penalizing responsible retailers and limiting adult access to smoking cessation products.
We urge Premier Furey to stand up for small businesses in Newfoundland and call on the federal government to keep smoking cessation products like NRTs available in convenience stores.
1 Want to quit smoking? WHO recommends these treatments for tobacco users – National |
SOURCE Responsible Retailers, Trusted in Your Community