On World No Tobacco Day, Quit Club is speaking out on behalf of the millions of ex-smokers and the tens of thousands of current smokers who have yet to successfully quit

TORONTO, May 31, 2024 /CNW/ – Quit Club is a community of ex-smokers who support and advocate on behalf of the thousands of Canadians desperately trying to kick the habit. The federal government’s recent plans to make cessation products harder to access is an insult to every smoker’s effort to quit.  

“The reality is that quitting smoking is one of the hardest things to do in life, and there are not that many tools out there to help. The fact that the government would even entertain the idea of making any cessation products even remotely more difficult to access is shameful. We need the government’s full support,” says Asha Stone, community lead of Quit Club. 

The government is pushing for regulations to restrict cessation products without feedback from smokers themselves. The recent comments by Federal Minister of Health Mark Holland are a prime example. The government’s plan is out of touch with the struggles of smokers and the realities of everyday Canadians. 

Quit Club will fight for those who have tried to quit and for those who deserve the ability to quit with effective products. Smokers can’t quit if the government stands in their way.

On behalf of all those who have successfully cut tobacco out of their lives and all of those who wish to stop smoking, Quit Club is taking a stand against the Minister of Health’s plans to make it harder for us to quit. Visit our website and join the club. 

Stay Connected with Quit Club
X: @club_quit2024 

SOURCE Quit Club

On World No Tobacco Day, Quit Club is speaking out on behalf of the millions of ex-smokers and the tens of thousands of current smokers who have yet to successfully quit WeeklyReviewer

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