Mark Carney Contemplates Canadian Liberal Leadership Bid amidst Wide-spread Rejection of Climate Policies

UN “Climate Czar” and former bank governor Mark Carney announced he is contemplating a Liberal Party leadership bid to replace Justin Trudeau, says Friends of Science. Carney’s GFANZ climate finance alliance is withering, and Canadian rejection of climate policies and carbon tax grows.

CALGARY, AB, Jan. 9, 2025 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — As reported by CTV News on Jan. 06, 2025, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he would be stepping down once a new Liberal Party leader is chosen and the BBC reported a day later that Mark Carney, UN “Climate czar” was considering a run to replace him. As reported by Bloomberg, Trudeau will “officially leave as prime minister after the party chooses a new leader. That new leader will become the country’s 24th prime minister.”

Simon Michaux’s report for the Geological Survey of Finland – no such material supply chain exists for Net Zero…at year 2019 production rates it would take 189 years to mine the copper, more than 9,900 years to mine the lithium to produce one generation of technology units to phase out fossil fuels

Carney is the former governor of the Bank of England and prior to that he was governor of the Bank of Canada. In 2021, he released the book “Value(s): Building a Better World for All.” At that time, he was U.N. Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance, and the Co-Chair for the Glasgow Finance Alliance for Net Zero (GFANZ).

Lately Carney’s GFANZ alliance is withering as more banks retreat from the Net Zero coalition, some citing fears of potential legal action related to US antitrust legislation. As of spring 2024, the US House Judiciary Committee was investigating what they call the “Climate Cartel,” including Mark Carney’s role and that of GFANZ. Their bombshell report titled “Climate Control: Exposing the Decarbonization Collusion in ESG Investing” exposed massive financial and shareholder coercion in climate finance, says Friends of Science Society.

The section on climate change in Carney’s book “Value(s)” is all based on commonly spouted, but false assumptions – that there is urgent action required, that 2 degrees Celsius is a magic limit, that “climate action,” renewables, EVs, and expenditures now will be a form of “climate insurance” to prevent future catastrophic weather. These myths are handily deconstructed by Obama’s former science czar, scientist Steve Koonin and energy expert Mark Mills in this post on CLINTEL which shredded the rationale for the Paris Agreement just after its 9th anniversary of Dec. 12, 2015.

In this 2021 UN Climate Action interview, Carney presented Net Zero as an existential threat. Scientist Steve Koonin disagrees with that. Carney saw it as an opportunity for economic rewards for companies that pursued Net Zero goals and solutions, with markets punishing those who did not. He felt that financial pressure was an effective lever, along with public pressure on politicians. Carney stated that “One of the most basic roles we have as individuals is asking questions,” but no one seemed to have asked the question whether or not there is a material supply chain to fulfill Net Zero goals.

According to Simon Michaux’s exceptional report for the Geological Survey of Finland, no such material supply chain exists for Net Zero. For example, at year 2019 production rates it would take 189 years to mine the necessary copper and more than 9,900 years to mine the necessary lithium to produce one generation of technology units to phase out fossil fuels, says Friends of Science. “The Pursuit of the Impossible” report by Robert Lyman provides a plain language summary and links to Michaux’s work.

While some climate activists are counting on legal action to force their climate goals into reality, C2C Journal recently exposed the fallacies of the Supreme Court of Canada’s (SCC) views on climate change, suggesting that environmental groups and activists are exploiting statements of the SCC which are not evidence-based.

An option for pretending to meet climate targets is to further implement nation-to-nation carbon trading under Article 6 under new operational rules set at COP29 in Azerbaijan. Canada’s vast boreal forests, waters and Indigenous Protected Areas may be targets for Nature-based climate solutions (carbon offsets). Mark Carney has been pitching Indigenous Leadership regarding opportunities to produce clean electricity; to mine critical minerals; and to sell carbon credits through improved forestry, land and water practices restoring nature, as outlined in this LinkedIn post by John Stackhouse, Senior VP, Royal Bank of Canada.

Canadians are bearing an enormous burden of hidden climate policy costs for no climate or environmental benefit, revealed in this May 30, 2024, Western Standard article, “More than Axe the Tax, Nix Net Zero. “Carbon Tax Carney,” if elected as Liberal Party leader, will likely face a chilly reception.

Friends of Science Society is an independent group of earth, atmospheric and solar scientists, engineers, and citizens that is celebrating its 22nd year of offering climate science insights. After a thorough review of a broad spectrum of literature on climate change, Friends of Science Society has concluded that the sun is the main driver of climate change, not carbon dioxide (CO2).
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Mark Carney Contemplates Canadian Liberal Leadership Bid amidst Wide-spread Rejection of Climate Policies WeeklyReviewer

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