Higher Than Usual Number of Candidates on Ballot in Winnipeg South Centre By-Election

Elections Canada Reminds Electors of Changes to the Ballot

GATINEAU, QC, June 2, 2023 /CNW/ –

  • Forty-eight candidates have been confirmed for the by-election that is under way in Winnipeg South Centre (Manitoba).
  • As a result, Elections Canada has created a two-column ballot and kept the standard integrity features and large font size.
  • Elections Canada is aware that the changes to the ballot may reduce its accessibility for some electors. All regular accessibility tools will still be available, but some of them will only be available on election day. Anyone who has concerns can contact the Elections Canada office in Winnipeg South Centre to find out what options and support for accessibility are available to them.
  • Elections Canada reminds electors in Winnipeg South Centre that they may also apply to vote and vote by special ballot at the Elections Canada office. They can also apply to vote by mail online, by mail or by fax. They have until Tuesday, June 13, 6:00 p.m. (local time) to apply.
  • As a result of the large number of candidates, the results of the by-election in Winnipeg South Centre may take longer to report and publish on elections.ca
  • Electors are invited to visit elections.ca to get more information about the modified ballot. They can also contact the Elections Canada office in Winnipeg South Centre.

Elections Canada is an independent, non-partisan agency that reports directly to Parliament.

For daily election updates, subscribe to our news service at elections.ca.

SOURCE Elections Canada

Higher Than Usual Number of Candidates on Ballot in Winnipeg South Centre By-Election WeeklyReviewer

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