Financial Returns of Registered Political Parties for the Second Quarter of 2023 Now Online

GATINEAU, QC, Aug. 1, 2023 /CNW/ – The financial returns of registered political parties for the second quarter of 2023 are now available on Elections Canada’s website.

A registered political party must submit a quarterly financial return, if its candidates for the most recent general election received:

  • at least 2 percent of the total valid votes cast in all electoral districts across Canada; or

  • at least 5 percent of the valid votes cast in the electoral districts in which it endorsed a candidate.

Quarterly financial returns of registered political parties include statements of:

The financial returns for the second quarter of 2023 cover the period from April 1, 2023, to June 30, 2023.

Elections Canada is an independent, non-partisan agency that reports directly to Parliament.

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SOURCE Elections Canada

Financial Returns of Registered Political Parties for the Second Quarter of 2023 Now Online WeeklyReviewer

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