Desjardins Investments Makes Changes to Its Mutual Fund Lineup

MONTREAL, Dec. 3, 2024 /CNW/ – Desjardins Investments Inc. (“DI”), as manager of the Desjardins Funds, announces changes to its mutual fund lineup. These changes, described in detail below, include amendments to its line of Wise ETF Portfolios as well as the withdrawal of one of the sub-managers for the Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund and a reduction to the maximum exposure to foreign securities for the Desjardins Dividend Growth Fund.

DI regularly reviews its mutual fund’s offer to ensure they continue to meet the evolving investment needs of financial advisors and investors.

  • Wise ETF Portfolios

DI announces amendments regarding the Wise Conservative ETF Portfolio, the Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio (formerly Wise Balanced ETF Portfolio), the Wise Balanced 50 ETF Portfolio, the Wise Growth ETF Portfolio, the Wise Aggressive ETF Portfolio (formerly Wise Maximum Growth ETF Portfolio) and the Wise 100 % Equity ETF Portfolio (individually a “Wise ETF Portfolio”, and collectively, the “Wise ETF Portfolios”).

These amendments include, among others, changes to the investment strategies and a name change of the Wise ETF Portfolios as well as a reduction of the management fees and trailing commissions for certain unit classes of the Wise ETF Portfolios. The changes described below will take effect on or around March 10, 2025.

–          Changes to the investment strategies of the Wise ETF Portfolios

On or about March 10, 2025, the Manager will amend the investment strategies of the Wise ETF Portfolios such that the Portfolio Manager will invest almost all of the Wise ETF Portfolios’ assets in securities of exchange-traded funds (“ETFs”) that use passive management strategies. However, both the fundamental investment objective and the risk rating of the Wise ETF Portfolios remain unchanged.

–          Change of names of the Wise ETF Portfolios

As part of these changes, DI also plans to rename the Wise ETF Portfolios as follows:



Wise Conservative ETF Portfolio

Desjardins Conservative ETF Portfolio

Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio

Desjardins Moderate ETF Portfolio

Wise Balanced 50 ETF Portfolio

Desjardins Balanced ETF Portfolio

Wise Growth ETF Portfolio

Desjardins Growth ETF Portfolio

Wise Aggressive ETF Portfolio

Desjardins Aggressive ETF Portfolio

Wise 100% Equity ETF Portfolio

Desjardins Global Equity ETF Portfolio

–          Reduced management fees for the C- and F-Class Units of the Wise ETF Portfolios

DI is also announcing, in connection with the above-mentioned changes, a reduction of the management fees for the C- and F-Class Units of the Wise ETF Portfolios as follows:


MARCH 10, 2025


Desjardins Funds (C-Class Units)

Wise Conservative ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

1.33 %

1.32 %


Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

1.33 %

1.32 %


Wise Balanced 50 ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

1.36 %

1.35 %


Wise Growth ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

1.38 %

1.37 %


Wise Aggressive ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

1.38 %

1.37 %


Wise 100% Equity ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

1.43 %

1.42 %


Desjardins Funds (F-Class Units)

Wise Conservative ETF Portfolio (F-Class Units)

0.33 %

0.32 %


Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio (F-Class Units)

0.33 %

0.32 %


Wise Balanced 50 ETF Portfolio (F-Class Units)

0.36 %

0.35 %


Wise Growth ETF Portfolio (F-Class Units)

0.38 %

0.37 %


Wise Aggressive ETF Portfolio (F-Class Units)

0.38 %

0.37 %


Wise 100% Equity ETF Portfolio (F-Class Units)

0.43 %

0.42 %


* Not including applicable taxes

–          Reduced trailing commissions for the C-Class Units of certain Wise ETF Portfolios

DI is also announcing, in connection with the above-mentioned changes, a reduction of the trailing commissions for the C-Class Units of certain Wise ETF Portfolios as follows:


10, 2025


Wise Conservative ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

Up to 1.00 %

Up to 0.80 %


Wise Moderate ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

Up to 1.00 %

Up to 0.80 %


Wise Balanced 50 ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

Up to 1.00 %

Up to 0.90 %


Wise Growth ETF Portfolio (C-Class Units)

Up to 1.00 %

Up to 0.90 %


  • Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund

–          Withdrawal of one of the sub-managers of Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund

DI announces the withdrawal of the portfolio sub-manager Grandeur Peak Global Advisors LLC (“Grandeur Peak”). Wellington Management Canada ULC will continue to act as the Fund’s sole portfolio sub-manager and will assume management of the portfolio assets effective on or about February 10, 2025.

–          Adjustments to the investment strategies of the Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund

On or about February 10, 2025, DI will adjust the investment strategies of the Fund to reflect the withdrawal of the sub-manager. As a result of these adjustments, the maximum net assets that the Fund may invest in emerging markets securities will be reduced from 20% to 15%. However, both the fundamental investment objective and the risk rating of the Fund remain unchanged.

–          Reduced management fees for the A-, C-, F- and D-Class Units of the Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund

DI is also announcing, in connection with the above-mentioned changes, a reduction of the management fees for the A-, C-, F- and D-Class Units of the Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund, effective on or around January 20, 2025, as follows :


JANUARY 20, 2025


Desjardins Funds (A- and C-Class Units)

Global Small Cap Equity (A- and C-Class Units)

1.91 %

1.88 %


Desjardins Funds (F-Class Units)

Global Small Cap Equity (F-Class Units)

0.75 %

0.74 %


Desjardins Funds (D-Class Units)

Global Small Cap Equity (Parts de catégorie D)

0.91 %

0.88 %


* Not including applicable taxes

  • Desjardins Dividend Growth Fund

On or about January 20, 2025, DI will amend the investment strategies of the Desjardins Dividend Growth Fund to reduce the maximum permitted exposure to foreign securities from 20% to 10%.

The above-mentioned changes with respect to the Wise ETF portfolios, the Desjardins Global Small Cap Equity Fund and the Desjardins Dividend Growth Fund will be made subject to approval from the regulatory authorities. DI reserves the right to suspend or defer the implementation of said changes to a later date.

About Desjardins Investments Inc.

Desjardins Investments Inc. (DI), manager of the Desjardins Funds and Desjardins Exchange-Traded Funds, is one of Canada’s largest investment funds, with $ 44.6 billion in assets under management as at September 30, 2024. DI offers a broad range of investment funds and exchange-traded funds (ETFs) to Canadian investors. In addition, DI is one of the most committed actors in promoting and advancing responsible investment in Canada.

About Desjardins Group

Desjardins Group is the largest cooperative financial group in North America and the sixth largest in the world, with assets of $464.7 billion as at September 30, 2024. It has been named one of Canada’s Best Employers by Forbes magazine and by Mediacorp. To meet the diverse needs of its members and clients, Desjardins offers a full range of products and services to individuals and businesses through its extensive distribution network, its online platforms, and its subsidiaries across Canada. Ranked among the world’s strongest banks according to The Banker magazine, Desjardins has one of the highest capital ratios and one of the highest credit ratings in the industry.

Desjardins Funds are not guaranteed, their value fluctuates frequently and their past performance is not indicative of their future returns. Commissions, trailing commissions, management fees and expenses may all be associated with mutual fund investments. Please read the prospectus before investing. Desjardins Funds are offered by registered dealers. 

Desjardins®, all trademarks containing the word Desjardins, as well as related logos are trademarks of the Fédération des caisses Desjardins du Québec, used under licence.

SOURCE Desjardins Group

Desjardins Investments Makes Changes to Its Mutual Fund Lineup WeeklyReviewer

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