Dive Deeper News Reviews
Dive Deeper is a more personal section of news reports and news reviews. We at WeeklyReviewer focus on providing you relevant news reviews following an overall view of a news topic that needs to be addressed. While controversy does exist, for many reasons we must discuss current news and world news from the point of view of progress and thus births a news review to Dive Deeper. The world must news and we must review!
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Green new deal, rep Alexandria Ocasio-cortez.
The new deal was created by President Franklin Roosevelt to address the great depression. This new deal created a range of public works programs. The...
Investing In Cryptocurrency; What You Need To Know 2020
Investing In Cryptocurrency; What You Need To Know 2020 This is our guide to investing in cryptocurrency in 2020. Make sure you check out our...
What Is Cryptocurrency And Where Did It Come From?
What Is Cryptocurrency And Where Did It Come From? What is cryptocurrency? How do we even try to understand it? This article breaks this down...
Vaccinating – Dangers Of Not Vaccinating Your Kids
What are vaccines? Why is vaccinating so important and a topic of conversation we need to converse about right now. According to WHO, vaccines are...
Pollution of our ocean and seas and the affect on marine life
Pollution of our ocean and seas and the affect on marine life The oceans and seas cover about 70% of the earth. It is a home...
What is a Blue Wave and how to ride it
The upcoming presidential race in the US We have so many democratic nominations now, much like in the last election for the republican party with...
US Immigration
Immigration in the United states has taken a turn in the last few decades; we look at US immigration from a few perspectives Human rights...
Benefits of the Legalization of Marijuana
In November 2016, several states held votes alongside the Presidential election to decide on the future of the cannabis industry. This saw four states,...
Glacier Melting-Climate Change
Glacier Melting and the effects on natural habitats With increasingly growing temperature on our planet, we are now experiencing one of the most dramatic consequences...
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