Here we analyze social issues we see around the world. Many times we come across social dynamics and changing social views that we need to break down and understand.
WeeklyReviewer focuses on the progress and reversal of society’s social issues.
Prison overcrowding & risk of health: A global prison crisis
Prison overcrowding & risk of health: A global prison crisis Prison overcrowding is one of the greatest issues the prison system faces, and will face...
10 Crazy Truths About The Private Prisons Industry
10 Crazy Truths About The Private Prisons Industry Private prisons are a growing industry in the business world. A tragic truth, but private prisons dominate...
Beware of Coronavirus Scams – Covid-19 Coronavirus Stimulus Check Scams
Beware Coronavirus Stimulus Check Scams Abusive door-to-door sales, fake police, miracle products or paying travel certificates; Criminals take advantage of the fear of the Coronavirus....
Top 5 Tips To Keep Your Children Busy During Quarantine
How To Keep Your Children Busy During Quarantine In times of forced confinement and closed schools, parents exchange ideas to occupy their children. Some also...
How Many Miles Does The Average Person Drive Per Year?
How Many Miles Does The Average Person Drive Per Year? Report from car manufacturing companies is that the demand for cars has increasingly risen in...
3 Ways How To Be Happier And More Productive
How To Be Happier And More Productive The key to a longer life is happiness. Happiness, and most happy feelings, change the way you experience...
5 Countries that are most likely to face serious famine in the next decade
Famine in the next decade Introduction Over the past 3 years, global hunger levels have been on the rise steadily reaching over 820 million in 2020....
Facebook bans ads promoting cure for cornavirus
Facebook bans ads promoting cure for cornavirus Ads have been floating around facebook promising a cure for Coronavirus, but facebook stepped out to ban the...
5 Amazing Facts about Population Growth
Is the World Population Growing too Fast? The world started growing way back in time. From growing organisms evolving into massive creatures. Once the dinosaurs...
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